Hayward, Wisconsin & Chequamegon Bay Fishing Report 10-23-14

roppe4October continues to be good to us…  Why can’t we have two of them and skip a month???  Scott Roppe from Birchwood, WI, his brother Joe, and father Rick from Winter, WI all joined me on Tuesday for a walleye/musky combo trip.  It’s defiinitely good to be a Roppe these days!!!  Scott had a day for the books with me last week, but the rest of the gang decided they were going to have a piece of the action as well.  We’ve been trying to get Joe in the boat for years.  After the day we had, I think we’ll have a tough time getting rid of him!!!  Walleyes bit slow but steady throughout the day on jigs and minnows in 25′ – 30′ of water.  Joe landed a 27″ walleye that was the largest of the roppe3day and his personal best.  We also managed to put two muskies in the boat that included Scott’s 39″ fish landed on a jig and minnow as well as Rick’s 39″ fish also landed on a jig and minnow.  Rick’s fish gave us one heck of a tussle, and he did an incredible job of working it to the net.  I was out of breath by the time it was over!!!  Both fish were as fat as could be and great trophies caught on light tackle!!!  Water temps ranged from 47 – 50 degrees on a relatively mild day considering the wind we’ve had lately.  What a great day with a great crew.  Excellent work men!!!  I’ll see you at deer camp!!!












gensmer5Wednesday was scheduled to fish with the girls from Angler’s Haven.  Kelsey Gensmer was the only one able to make the trip, and she definitely picked up the slack for everyone!!!  We did another walleye/musky combo trip, and Kelsey had one heck of a day to say the least.  The walleye bite was slow, but we managed several fish that included a beautiful 27″ giant that was Kelsey’s personal best.  All of our walleyes were caught on jigs and minnows in 20′ – 30′ of water.  As if that wasn’t an impressive enough performance, she also put two muskies in the boat.  Her first fish was a fat 40″ gensmer7dude that nailed a sucker after looking at it for over an hour.  Patience…  Then, she decided to add a little drama by hooking up with a musky as time was running out on our day with a jig and minnow.  She did an incredible job with light tackle and 8 lb. line to put a great looking 38″ fish in the boat and a very nice bow our day.  Nothing better than ending with a musky!!!   Both muskies came in 25′ of water, and water temps held at 48 degrees on a sunny day with gusty winds.  More wind…  Congratulations to Kelsey on some great fish, and thank you the the entire crew at Angler’s Haven for another great season.  You guys are the best!!!













terry1My partner Terry Peterson and I promised each other to do a late October smallmouth trip together on Chequamegon Bay.  Promise kept!!!  “The Professor” and I let some rain clear out before we hit the water late Thursday morning.  After working through boat issues, equipment issues, etc., we were finally able to get into some good fish on crankbaits and minnows in 10′ – 15′ of water.  The fish were in a funky mood, and we probably missed or lost as many as we caught.  Later in the afternoon, we moved deeper and ended with some nice fish in 15′ – 20′ of water.  The funny bite continued however with lots of hits but lots of misses as well.  By the end of the day, we had boated plenty of nice fish up to 20″ along with more laughs than we could count.  Between our stories and jokes, I’m wondering if the missed fish might have had more to do with the jeff2fishermen!!!  Water temps ranged from 48 – 49 degrees, and we had light winds with cloudy skies throughout the day.  Yes, I said light winds!!!  Thanks for a super day, and a super time my friend!  As always…  Have a great weekend everyone!



  1. Scott Roppe on October 23, 2014 at 9:13 pm

    Thanks for another amazing trip Jeff!! I definitely believe we won’t get joe out of the boat now! It was a blast!! See you at deer camp!!

  2. Greg Miller on October 24, 2014 at 8:38 am

    Congratulations on another incredible fishing season, my friend!! Now…it’s just about time to make the transition from fishing guide to Bowhunter. Looking forward to our upcoming trip to Indiana for our annual bow hunt with our good friends from Big Tine–Mike Bassett and Family.

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