Chequamegon Bay & St. Louis River, Wisconsin Fishing Report 8-28-13
Once again, we have a pretty “typical” August report for you. I spent Sunday on my own looking for fish on Chequamegon Bay, and it was on fire! Every spot I checked out had willing biters. I had a good southwest wind, and smallies were instantly cooperative at every spot. On Monday afternoon, newlyweds Josh and Brenna Stanek from Grand Rapids, MN began their honeymoon with a trip on the bay. I was feeling confident considering Monday’s results, but we were faced with different conditions. We had a light northeast wind, and the fishing was tough. The fish we caught were on rocky structure in 12′ to 14′ of water with jigs and minnows. We had several pick ups and drops throughout the afternoon, and it was obvious that the fish were funky. Our largest fish was 18″, but we had an absolute brute follow his buddy into the net that wouldn’t bite. Water temps ranged from 68 to 72 degrees throughout the bay on a beautiful afternoon. Thanks to Josh and Brenna for spending the first night of their honeymoon in the boat with me. It was an honor and a pleasure. Best wishes to you both!
Eric Hoyer and his son Luke from Colorado brought their buddy Danny Mullins from Duluth along for a walleye trip Wednesday on the St. Louis River. We did very well and caught fish throughout the day trolling crankbaits in 6′ to 8′ of water. With a bonus 36″ pike added to the mix, we couldn’t complain a bit. Water temps. ranged from 74 to 77 degrees, and our walleyes ranged from 17″ to 23″. Action was pretty steady throughout the day, and the boys had a limit of nice fish to show for it. Speed and changes in direction definitely were triggering strikes with color preferences changing from morning to the afternoon. Danny and Luke are two great kids that I was proud to fish with. Danny is in the Army and training to be in the special forces. Luke is being dropped off at Bethel University tomorrow to begin his college career. Good luck men, and thanks for spending the day in my boat!
Back to Hayward tomorrow. I’ll keep you posted!