Lake of the Woods – Rocky Point Pike

Certainly ice would begin to melt by the second week in April?  Guess again!


ashland guidesLake of the Woods is well known for producing monster late ice pike.  Historically, March is the best month to catch twenty plus pound pigs as they put on the feedbag before spawning soon after ice out.  Increased sunlight, melting ice and increased flows from tributary creeks and rivers flips a switch for these gators and those willing to extend their hard water season can have an opportunity at a fish (or more) of a lifetime.

Well, in 2013 mother nature didn’t get the memo.   After rescheduling this trip three different times with the crew from Babe Winkelman Productions, we finally decided it was time to do or die.  Certainly ice would begin to melt by the second week in April?  Guess again!

Like the rest of the upper Midwest, our April fishing experience more resembled that of a midwinter deep Iron River Fishing Guidesfreeze.  Cold, windy, and snowy conditions with three feet of ice to drill through greeted us at Arnesen’s Rocky Point Resort for our assignment from Babe.  Steve Toriseva, Nate Berg, Mark Nelson, and myself were sent to this incredible fishery to lay down footage for a late ice pike show regardless of the conditions.  Sitting by the fire and drinking hot coffee wasn’t an option.  We had a job to do!

chequamegon bay guides


As you can see, we were able to accomplish the task at hand.  Thanks to the diligent work of Rocky Point owner Paul Arnesen along with guides Tim Hill (Wingnut), Ed Albrecht, and Merle Halverson our perseverance was rewarded with two giants over 40″ with several in the upper 30″ range.  Top end pike like this are magnificent fish that should be on every anglers “to do” list.  I can’t thank the crew at Arneson’s enough for their incredible hospitality as well as the gang from Winkelman Productions for their hard work.  Good stories, lots of laughs, and big fish.  What more can a guy ask for!

chequamegon bay guidesI highly recommend this trip to everyone.  Arnesen’s provides world class fishing, first rate accommodations, and top notch guides.  You won’t find a better operation anywhere.  Visit them at  You wont regret it.

Jeff Evans

wisconsin fishing guides

1 Comment

  1. Tim breitrick on February 7, 2017 at 5:04 am

    I would like some information on possibly booking a trip with you the last weekend in March. I would drive up Thursday night and leave Monday. Info on how much for lodging guide service and if you even have any openings

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